SAS Certification Prep Guide

1st Edition

Statistical Business Analysis Using SAS9

Joni N. Shreve; Donna Dea Holland
eISBN-13: 9781635263503

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Additional Book Details

Must-have study guide for the SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS9: Regression and Modeling exam!
<p>Written for both new and experienced SAS programmers, the SAS Certification Prep Guide: Statistical Business Analysis Using SAS9 is an in-depth prep guide for the SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS9: Regression and Modeling exam.<p>

<p>The authors step through identifying the business question, generating results with SAS, and interpreting the output in a business context. The case study approach uses both real and simulated data to master the content of the certification exam. Each chapter also includes a quiz aimed at testing the readers comprehension of the material presented.
<p>Major topics include:<p><p>
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Inputs for Predictive Modeling
Model Performance
<p>For those new to statistical topics or those needing a review of statistical foundations, this book also serves as an excellent reference guide for understanding descriptive and inferential statistics.<p>
Additional resources for this book can be found by accessing the link below.

Sold By SAS Institute
ISBNs 1629603813, 9781629603810, 9781635263503, 9781635263527, 9781642951806
Publish Year 2018
Language English
Number of Pages 414
Edition 1st