SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Second Edition

2nd Edition

Jack Shostak
eISBN-13: 9781612908052

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This comprehensive resource provides on-the-job training for statistical programmers who use SAS in the pharmaceutical industry.
This one-stop resource offers a complete review of what entry- to intermediate-level statistical programmers need to know in order to help with the analysis and reporting of clinical trial data in the pharmaceutical industry.
SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Second Edition begins with an introduction to the pharmaceutical industry and the work environment of a statistical programmer. Then it gives a chronological explanation of what you need to know to do the job. It includes information on importing and massaging data into analysis data sets, producing clinical trial output, and exporting data. This edition has been updated for SAS 9.4, and it features new graphics as well as all new examples using CDISC SDTM or ADaM model data structures.
Whether you're a novice seeking an introduction to SAS programming in the pharmaceutical industry or a junior-level programmer exploring new approaches to problem solving, this real-world reference guide offers a wealth of practical suggestions to help you sharpen your skills.
Book Review<p>
"Shostak has provided a great resource to both new programmers and seasoned industry professionals with this second edition. This book is the best window into the pharmaceutical research industry from a programmer's perspective. Shostak's ability to organize, present, and illustrate gives the reader a complete understanding of what a clinical analysis programmer will encounter in this profession. If you are a syntax junkie, a newbie wanting to see if the industry is for you, or if you are interested in better understanding topics discussed in your project team meetings (i.e., Time-to-Event analysis, Forest plots), this programming book will interest you and expand your knowledge base."
Tim Moore, President<br>Quality Research Partner, Inc.

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Sold By SAS Institute
ISBNs 1612906044, 9781635269147, 9781612906041, 9781612908052
Publish Year 2014
Language English
Number of Pages 308
Edition 2nd