Jump into JMP Scripting, Second Edition

2nd Edition

Wendy Murphrey; Rosemary Lucas
eISBN-13: 9781635266733

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Learn the essentials of the JMP Scripting Language with this beginners guide.
<p>Written in an easy-to-understand style based on the authors extensive experience, Jump into JMP Scripting, Second Edition teaches beginner scripters how to take advantage of the robust JMP Scripting Language (JSL) using step-by-step instructions and real-world situations. The authors demonstrate how JSL offers the freedom to create scripts from the very simple and specific to the most generic and complex.</p>
<p>With a new chapter on JSL language foundations, the first half of the book explains the fundamentals of JSL and walks you through creating your first scripts, such as opening a data table, adding columns, or selecting rows. A new chapter on the Dashboard and Application Builders provides helpful tips on creating custom dashboards and learning how to build applications. Also new to this edition, a chapter on advanced topics introduces more helpful tools and concepts in JSL. After learning the basics, you are ready to tackle specific tasks using JSL. The second half of the book provides more than 50 examples using a unique question-and-answer format.<p>

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Sold By SAS Institute
ISBNs 1635266769, 1635266734, 9781635266757, 9781635266764, 9781635266733, 9781642954968
Publish Year 2018
Language English
Number of Pages 334
Edition 2nd
Website https://support.sas.com/murphrey